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Dermatology Journal | Clinical Research in Dermatology| Open Access Journal

clinical research in dermatology is an international open access journal. It provides a medium for projecting interesting and intriguing research in dermatology.

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Journal Of Endocrinology And Diabetes | Open Access Journal

Journal of endocrinology is an open access journal which aims to publish peer reviewed articles in endocrinology and diabetes. Scope of the journal includes endocrine disorders, diabetes.

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Journal of dentistry | Oral disorders & therapy| Journal of dental research.

Journal of dentistry, Oral disorders and therapy is an international open access journal that encourages dental research. The significant progression made in the dental research

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International Journal of Nutritional Health| Journal Of Nutrition |Peer reviewed Journal

Symbiosis Open access - Journal of Nutrition Health & Food Science (JNHFS) is an international peer- reviewed journal which aims to publish scholarly articles in the development of nutritional science and its application to address the issues of malnutrition & eating disorders.

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International journal of Plant Studies | Symbiosis online publishing

Symbiosis online publishing, Journal of Plant studies is an open access journal publish original and high quality of articles in the field of cognosy.

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Gastroenterology Journal | Pancreatology & Liver Disorders |Open Access Journal

journal of gastroenterology, pancreatology &Liver disorders is a peer reviewed open access journal aims to publish scholarly articles. Gastroenterology journal provides free medical & clinical information.

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Journal of Liver Diseases and Diagnostic Research | Symbiosis Online Publishing

Liver diseases and diagnostic research is an international peer reviewed. Scope of the journal includes diagnostic and therapeutic developments in liver disorders.

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Journal Of Exercise |Sports & Orthopedics |Open Access Journal | Peer Reviewed Journal

Journal of exercise sports & orthopedics is a scientific peer-reviewed journal, submit peer reviewed manuscripts in the field of physiotherapy and orthopedics and it's an international open access journal.

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International Journal of Genetic Science | High Impact Articles List

Symbiosis Open access Journal of Genetic Science (SOJGS) is an international, peer- reviewed journal which aims to publish exemplary research articles in genetics including research decoding the mystery of the life processes, heredity, variation, and various diseases & disorders of all the living organisms.

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International Pediatrics Journals| Child Care Journals| Peer Reviewed Articles

International journal of pediatrics and child care provides open access to peer reviewed articles. Pediatric journal involves child physical emotional and social growth.

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International Journal of Obesity and Control Therapies| Open Access Journal

Journal of obesity and control therapies is an open access scientific journal dedicated to addressing the challenges in obesity. The journal also promotes studies on the etiology of obesity and hormonal, hereditary.

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Cancer Journals | Open Access Journal | Peer Reviewed Journals

Journal of Cancer Science and Research is an open access publication and peer reviewed journal for original submissions ,reviews ,surgeons reports and treatment of cancer etc.

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Obstetrics And Gynecology Journal | Gynecology Journal's list

The Obstetrics and Gynecology play a crucial role in preventing care and management of women's health by proper counseling and timely screening. It's an open access peer reviewed journal.

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Journal Of Nursing | Nursing Journal | Open Access Journals

Journal of nursing and health care is an international open access journal that publishes peer reviewed articles in nursing and healthcare. Nursing journal will give priority discussions, investigations.

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International Journal of Proteins & Enzyme Research | High Impact Articles

Symbiosis Open access journal of Proteins & Enzyme Research (SOJPR) publishes illustrative scholarly articles in the areas of proteins and enzyme technology. All our articles are international peer- reviewed.

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Journal Of Environmental Science and Toxicology | International Journals

Journal of environmental science and toxicology is an international open access journal. The scope of the journal covers topics like carcinogenicity, genotoxicity, mutagenicity..etc

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Journal Of Computational Biology | Symbiosis Online Publishing

Journal of computational biology is an open access journal that aims to publish theoretical and practical concepts of biostatistics and computational biology.

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Journal of Analytical Techniques | Open Access Journal

Journal of Chromatographic Science is an open access peer reviewed scientific journal publishes articles on chromatography. It Covers method development, re-validations, system suitability tests..Etc

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Journal of Biotechnology | Symbiosis Online Publishing

Journal of advanced research in biotechnology is an open access journal to provide scientific knowledge and technological aspect concerning biotechnology and related fields.

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Journal Of Cardiology | Open Access Journal | Peer Reviewed Journal

journal of clinical trials in cardiology is an emerging international open access journal that focuses on cardiovascular research. International peer reviewed journal is an open source for original submissions, reviews, case reports etc

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20th Global Nephrologists Annual Meeting

Conference Series LLC Ltd welcome you all to attend 20th Global Nephrologists Annual Meeting (NEPHROLOGISTS 2019) follows the theme “Ascertaining consequential treatment technologies in Nephrology” which will be held during June 03-04, 2019 London, UK. We cordially invite all the participants who are interested in sharing their knowledge and research in the arena of Nephrology conferences.

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International Conference and Exhibition on Surgery and Transplantation

Euroscicon invites all the participants from all over the world to attend “8th Edition of International Conference and Exhibition on Surgery & Transplantation” during July 01-02, 2019 in Valencia, Spain which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions. World Surgeons Congress 2019 is a specially designed cluster Surgery conferences. The main theme of this conference is “Disseminating cutting-edge skills in the field of Surgery” which covers a wide range of critically important sessions.

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